Child Custody Attorney: See What Determines The Verdict Of Your Child Custody Case
Posted on: 20 June 2022
Child custody cases aren't easy to handle, and they typically require the input of a child custody attorney to win. You shouldn't hire an attorney only when seeking full custody but also when fighting for shared custody. The attorney usually plays a critical role in determining the verdict of your case. So if you are fighting for child custody without their input, you need to change your mind and hire one today. Most child custody attorneys understand how various child custody cases end and what influences their outcome. Here are three things that determine the outcome of your child custody case.
Parent-Children Relationships
The verdict of your child custody case depends on many factors. First, the quality of your relationship with your child could significantly tilt the outcome. Actually, most judges pay much attention to how the parent seeking custody relates to the child. If the relationship is sour, they may deny them custody and grant it to the other parent. The judges also want to know how involved or uninvolved the parent has been in their child's life. The more supportive and involved you have been in your child's life, the greater the chances of a favorable outcome.
Mental and Physical Wellness of Those Involved
The parents seeking child custody should be mentally and physically healthy. If they aren't in good health, the case may not proceed as scheduled. Most judges are aware of the issues involved in any child custody case and why the involved parties should be mentally and physically healthy. In most cases, a parent with a mental or physical disability may not be granted custody, perhaps because they may not properly meet the child's needs. However, your child custody attorney may assess the situation and influence a different verdict if you have always supported your child while still physically unhealthy. A parent doesn't always have to be physically healthy to be significantly involved in their child's well-being.
The Willingness to Corporate and Compromise
Of course, every parent fights for full custody, which is why they even try to keep their children away from their exes. However, you need to know that doing so could sometimes work against you. After assessing the situation, the court may decide to grant the parents shared custody. In this case, you should be careful because the judges may want to see if you are willing to compromise and corporate with the other parent for the child's sake. If you are unwilling, you may easily be denied custody. So always be willing to compromise because it makes it much easier for you to get full custody.
Contact a local child custody attorney, such as Kenneth J. Molnar, for more information.