
  • Are Worker's Compensation Cases Always A Matter Of Public Record?

    Most people are happy to have their names published along with court announcements and news stories related to the case because they're looking for justice and want to share their story. However, for victims of abuse and others who are trying to protect their privacy for personal reasons, the idea of having their name in the newspapers and public record documents can discourage them from seeking out the compensation they're deserved after an injury on the job.
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  • Keep Your Superbowl Sunday Fun From Ending In A Lawsuit

    When your friends and family members visit your home on Superbowl Sunday, your goal is to have fun watching the game, eating copious amounts of snacks, and arguing about whose team is better. The last thing you want is to have your financial endzone spiked by a personal injury lawsuit because one of your guests was injured in your home. Here are three things you can do to keep your guests safe and avoid being on the receiving end of this legal foul ball.
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  • Tips For Handling Your Separation

    When you decide to separate from your spouse, you may be somewhat intimidated by what this process will involve. However, there may not be a better option for providing you with a fresh start on life after your relationship has reached the end. When you are in the early stages of handling this separation, there are several key points that you should keep in mind so that you can avoid some common problems and issues.
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  • 3 Things You Can Expect Your Worker's Compensation Attorney To Do On Your Behalf

    From losing time at work and being short on funds, anytime you are left injured to fend for yourself, it can be a trying situation. If you are in the process of filing a claim for worker's compensation, it is always best to hire an attorney, so you get fair representation, but this is a good idea also because they provide such an in-depth service. Here is a look at some of the things you can expect your worker's compensation attorney to handle on your behalf during a claim:
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  • How To Divorce As Quickly And Smoothly As Possible

    Divorce is an infamously sticky situation that no one wants to be in, but is it possible to have a healthy divorce? In the midst of your divorce, this may sound impossible, but the right tools can really take the sting out of your divorce. Set Boundaries Every divorce is different. Due to financial constraints, you might even still be living with your estranged spouse. That's why it's so important to set rules, boundaries, and expectations with each other.
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  • 3 Things That Probate Lawyers Focus On When Someone Passes Away

    If someone in your family or who is otherwise close to you has passed away, you might have heard that it's a good idea for you to work with a probate lawyer. In fact, your loved one might have hired a lawyer when he or she was still living to handle his or her estate. If so, you could be curious about what these lawyers do. Of course, lawyers do different things when handling people's estates, depending on the situation.
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  • Dates Gone Wrong: What To Know About Date Rape

    If you have been accused of rape, you are facing some very serious consequences. Being convicted of rape could mean everything from a fine and probation to prison time and a lifelong label of sex offender, and you may need to take action quickly to defend yourself against those charges. Read on to learn more about date rape. Date Rape The term "date rape" is a fairly recent one, and the term actually has no real legal meaning.
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  • 3 Things You Need To Do To Protect Yourself During A Divorce

    Many couples chose to divorce. In fact, it seems so common that many people think that they know what to do during a divorce that they don't properly prepare themselves. This is a mistake and if you don't educate yourself properly on what to do during a divorce, you could harm yourself legally. Here are some things you need to do right as the divorce begins to protect yourself. 1. Change All Of Your Estate Planning Documents
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  • Need A Personal Injury Lawyer? How You Can Get One When You're On A Budget

    When you've been hurt at the hands of another person, it's important for you to get the restitution that you deserve.  You could be dealing with serious injuries that are so extensive that it may be a long road back to living your life the way you formerly did.  However, as much as you may want to hire a lawyer, you may think that you just can't afford to pay them.
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  • If A Dog Caused Your Car Accident, You Could Receive Compensation From The Owner

    A dog ran out in front of your car and caused you to swerve to avoid it. As a result, you got into an accident that totaled your car and caused personal injury. Can you pursue a lawsuit against the owner of the dog in this case? Leash Laws Often Dictate Your Response Leash laws vary heavily based on the state and these often dictate the nature of your case.
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