How To Qualify For Chapter 7 Bankruptcy

Posted on: 5 March 2015
If you are considering filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you may wonder if you are even qualified to file Chapter 7. You can file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy if your income is not over a certain amount and you pass a means test set up by the bankruptcy court. The means test needs to prove your income is low enough for you to file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. If your income is too high, you may file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy instead, because Chapter 7 was set up for individuals who are unable to otherwise fulfill their debt-paying obligations.
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4 Signs That Your Employer Isn't Acting Appropriately After Your Workplace Injury

Posted on: 23 February 2015
If you have been hurt at work, you probably expect for your employer to be sympathetic about your situation. The best of employers take care of their employees after these accidents, take care of workers compensation issues and provide support through this tough time. Unfortunately, however, not all employers act this way. If your employer is acting inappropriately after your workplace injury, it's important to hire a lawyer. Then, you can help ensure that your rights are protected during this trying time.
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Bipolar Disorder And Social Security Disability: Proving A Legitimate Case Is Possible

Posted on: 11 February 2015
Are people with bipolar disorder just "gaming" the system to collect Social Security disability benefits? Recent political focus on fraudulent Social Security claims has seen one prominent newscaster taking to the airways to publicly denounce everyone from disability recipients to pharmaceutical companies for "making up" the disorder. Fortunately, not everyone thinks the same. However, how do you prove to Social Security that your claim is legitimate? Bipolar Disorder Is Recognized As A Disabling Condition.
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Two Questions And Answers About Auto Accident Lawsuits

Posted on: 5 February 2015
Being involved in a car accident can have profound effects on your life. In addition to the financial damages that you incur, it is also possible for you to suffer major injuries. While filing a lawsuit is not how most people want to resolve these conflicts, there may be no other alternative. If you are considering legal action due to an auto accident, there are a couple of questions you need answered before deciding on a strategy.
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